
Friday, October 9, 2009

Granny, I miss you!

As I popped over to Attic24's blog, I started missing my good old granny square projects. I have been so busy preparing for this craft show, (which is tomorrow, yippee), that I have ignored everything else!

My back has been so bad lately, and with the help of a new found chiropractor I am hoping for some remedy! And now as I feel so tired and achy, and missing my crochet hook, and longing for my comfy chair with my feet up...I am dreaming about yarn and starting that first square.

So just be soon as I finish up my noro scarf and sock yarn scarf, IT'S ON! :-D

Wish me luck tomorrow!!! I hope my cards do well!


  1. I hope you do super well at the craft show, and if you get a chance take some pictures to share with us.
    Oh Dawn, back pain is no fun, I really wish you the best, hopefully this chiropractor will be a saint and help you get through this.
    Have a good one!

  2. Just looked at your lovely blanket via your comment on Attic24. It is beautiful work.
    I am going to a crochet workshop next month, I did a little crocheting many, many years ago but seem to have lost the skill.
    All you talented bloggers have inspired me to get hooking again.
    I can emphasise with you and your back problem, hope your chiropractor helps you.

  3. lovely blanket and nice to see something a little bit different to the usual.

