
Monday, June 21, 2010

Crochet Away....

that's what I have been up to!  I totally scrapped the meditation shawl I was working on.  I do like it, but not in the yarn I am using.  So I contacted the gal that requested it, and told her I would like to crochet her one instead.  She said, "I leave it to your creative genius."  So, I took it and ran!

I am now a happy camper...and really enjoying working on this.  I have been wanting to do a granny square shawl for quite some time with a mixture of yarns.  I'm close to finishing, so pictures will be coming of the completed shawl soon.

And finally, I finished the purse I have been working on for an etsy order.  Whew!!! 

Like?  I do love this yarn.  I added a black crocheted lining, so you could run over this thing with a truck and it would still stay intact! LOL!!

My niece really wanted to take it home with her!

Next on my list is to finish up the shawl, crank out a granny baby binky, then my time is my own!  I am jonesing to finish up my rug and maybe work on some scarves.  I seem to have such a hard time recently getting things done.  Don't know if it's distraction, stress, or what...but I can tell I'm not quite on my's been hard to blog and keep up with all those great blogs that I follow.  I must work on this!

I am off for now.  Put in a twelve hour day at work, listed the bag on etsy, and got to blog a it's time to snuggle up with my girlie dog!


  1. Great stuff! That dog looks like a great cuddler :)

  2. Love how the bag turned out, and the half granny shawl is beautiful! Such soothing colors!


  3. your work is always so breath taking, Dawn.
    I love it!

  4. Wow, you do an amazing job!

  5. oh the bag!!!! the bag!!!! it looks gorgeous! (well, everything you make does!!)
