
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Finished Wrap!

Yay me!  I got it done.  This is truly "variegated yarn insanity"!  I think some knitters would really sneer at the constant changing of yarn, but I like it.  It keeps my interest.  I love to watch how the colors work out.  Weaving in ends has never bothered me.  I find that I get bored with something if it is all one color.  So I guess you could say, this keeps me going! 
I think adding the ribbing was a good move.   It gives it a pretty edging. 
Here's a back view.  I put in three buttonholes, but it could easily be changed up.  It would be pretty with buttons all the way down the edging, of course, I would have to increase the length for that.
It also looks pretty wrapped around the shoulders.  I had to experiment while I had my camera out...that's just how I am. 
This picture reminds me of a cowl neck sweater I used to have back in the 70s! 

So, now I have another one to make!  But first I want to finish a couple of scarves I have been working on.  And I miss my crochet hook bad!!!  I do have a half granny square shawl started that I am itching to work on again.  I just might have to pull it out and finish it up just to change up things. 

So here it is Sunday evening, and once more Monday is closer than I would like it to be.  Three day weekends would be so nice!  But I don't see that happening.  Next Friday I leave with the girls in knitting group to go to SAFF!  I cannot tell you how much fun it was last year.  My eyes glazed over when I walked in and saw all that yarn.  EVERYWHERE!  Hand dyed and hand spun yarn, for as far as the eye could see!  I'll definitely take my camera this year and share some pictures. 

I'm off to work on a scarf and kick back with a movie.  Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. It is gorgeous. Personally I am terrified of weaving in ends, they scare me more than I am afraid I'll poke my eye out on my DPNs :D

  2. Dawn, this is gorgeous. I.m with JESSYZ, I hate finishing off and weaving in ends!!

  3. That is gorgeous! I love the ribbing and buttons.
    I don't mind weaving in ends. It's kind of therapeutic. :-)
