
Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Check out this guy!!  I got a package in the mail and he was in it! My blogging buddy, Wildaboutcolor, had a give away, and I was one of the lucky ones!  Pop over to her blog I promise, you'll love it!  And be sure you check out her etsy shop, too.  Thank you so much Ellen...this little guy is kee-yute!! 

How about a little zig-zaggy afghan update.  I am almost done.  I am working on the border now, so it won't be much longer.  I really like this pattern.  It is pure-tee relaxing crochet.  You can find the pattern here.

Girlie totally approves of my progress, I think she has claimed it as her afghan!


  1. Ellen is great. Congrats. WOWza. I love this pattern. I was going to start your last one with the H.L. Varigated next, but now I don't know. This is stunning.

  2. I'm totally P.O.'d that you won that scarecrow and I didn't! He is so cute. Now I have to make him myself, and we all know how I hate to crochet. LOL.

    I really love this scrappy afghan. I think I like it more than the other one, but just a wee bit more. I think Phoebe agrees.

  3. Afghan is looking great! Scarecrow is too cute!

  4. Wonderful afghan and such a lovely little girlie sitting in the middle. That picture has really brightened up my bad day.

  5. I think I saw that little scarecrow giveaway. Cute! Your puppy looks quite comfy on your beautiful hand made blanket. Your so nice to share it! My puppy would eat it. But then he is only 5 months old. Wishing you a happy weekend Dawn. :)

  6. This is completely wonderful. Your blanket is amazing!

  7. I love this blanket it's just so so pretty, looks like youa nd the girls had a ball too. xx
