Yesterday while digging around a box looking for something I ran across this little potholder my Grandma had given me. It was kind of forgotten, but not completely. I am so happy I ran across it. Now I cannot stop looking at it or thinking about her.
And if any day I needed a red rosé, that was the day. It seems life has been too hectic these days, and my way of dealing with it has been to stick my head in the sand in hopes everything will fix itself. That just doesn't happen. So this morning I pledged to myself that I would handle what comes my way, and not beat myself up over the things that are not in my control! And I thanked my Grandma a second time for this little crocheted potholder.
It is so lovely!!!! I wish I had some of the things my Auntie crocheted. She was the one in the family with the magic hook! I am sorry to hear that all is not well in your world. But I can certainly identify with you. I too am going through a rough patch. Ignorance is bliss, but it doesn't solve a ding dang thing.
I just love the things that any of those dear to me have made me. The memories sometimes come pouring back, totally overwhelming. Yes, you will handle things one at a time, and you will be great at it. Hugs
ReplyDeleteThat looks amazing. Wonderful work.
Lovely! A treasure, for sure! :)
ReplyDeleteIt's gorgeous! You know you have biscuits if you need to vent!