Saturday, July 30, 2011

Log Cabin Progress

Progress has creeped to a slow scrawl as my blanket grows!  But there is progress.  I am enjoying watching the diamonds come to life as the blanket gets bigger and bigger!

It's way to hot to do anything here, so this weekend I am going to enjoy the ac, some movies, and some crochet!!!  And yes, a little housework. 


I am thinking that I will go back into some green after these two bands of blue.  It is truly looking log-cabin-ish! 

Enjoy your Saturday and stay cool!


Heather - The Good Life said...

Your afghan is turning out beautifully. I like the colors you chose to use. Mine is coming along slowly as well, I'm about at the halfway point, but I'll put it all together in the end. Enjoy your pretty project and have a great weekend. :-)

Meredith said...

Love the blanket, you are doing a fantastic job.
Happy Weekend,

Unknown said...

This is really really going to be stunning and a true winner of the year for one of my favorites.

KinnicChick said...

What a stunning blanket! You've done a wonderful job selecting your yarn/colors. It's absolutely gorgeous. Wonderful work.

deebriese said...

I am amazed how you encorporate varigated yarns within your afghans...Love it!

Maria said...

Looking good! What an inspiration you are...hope you've had a great weekend.

Melissa said...

It looks gorgeous! Hope to see you soon because you've been missed!!

Annaboo's House said...

This is just lovely.
Gorgeous, autumnal colours too.

ElisabethAndrée said...

Looking good! I think you've done a great job!

Charlotte said...

I have got to put one of these on my to-do list! Beautiful!