These two pictures are actually the same potholder. I love making's simply one large granny square with the corners folded in and seamed together! Oh, the doily they are laying on is one my Grandma made for me years's one of my favorite! Both my grandma's were skilled with a crochet hook!!!!
They are all so bright and cheery, and once you learn the basic granny square you can make so many things from them.
The placemat design is just a simple half-double crochet swithing colors every row.
I especially like the way this looks! Almost like it was hand woven. I am definitely making a set of these for my kitchen table!
I am also working on a throw pillow from small grannies that will go great with these! I'll post pictures of it once I get it done.
After crocheting most of the weekend I had to take a little break to let my hands rest and to get some housework done. The rain kept us indoors most of the weekend, but Sunday afternoon I was able to get out the camera and take a cute little picture of Phoebe.
You have to let me know when you teach your class! I tried making a granny square yesterday after I saw you on Thursday and I've forgotten how...
Will do!!!!
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