Another Bling-Bling Scarf!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Experiment in Felting
This was an adventure in felting combined with crochet. I normally see knitting that has been felted. I am sure others have felted crochet...but I don't see much of it. In my stash I had these two skeins of Noro yarn and a couple skeins of black wool. I decided my experiment would be in the form of a scarf.
Do you not love the colors! This felting thing is kinda fun and scary at the same time. What I was particularly pleased with is that the scarf went from scratchy to soft and fuzzy!
Here's a little closeup. I basically used a half-double crochet in the bright Noro with a row of single crochet in the black wool to pop it up.
This scarf is loaded with wild color and a girly-girl personality! I am continuing my exploration in this little scarf and now working on one that has a bit of a different look from this. I'm halfway through it and should have photos of it near the end of the week.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The Creative Process...
I thoroughly enjoyed working on this little scarf. It started a bit out of boredom. I do not do well on idle, my hands must stay busy!
I find myself like this once I finish up a project, and with the completion of my last couple of scarves, which were knit, I found myself missing my crochet hook! So, rambling through my yarn basket I picked up a skein of red acrylic yarn, and the rest is before you!
I used a half double crochet, followed by a row of single crochet in white...continuing in this pattern. So simple to do, you could continue with the pattern for however wide you wish to make the scarf.
I should have photographed it as a belt, because it is adorable worn that way! Maybe the next one I do. I am really liking the obi belts I see on etsy, of course they are all in fabric and sewn on a could I transform that to crochet??
This is how my creative process starts...well, first of all I do have a picture in my head of how I would like something to turn out. But sometimes when I start working I change things. Either way, it is fun to watch something come together before your eyes.
The whole weekend is before me, and I am trying to decide what I want to work on. It seems nuts to work on scarves this time of year...but I can't help it!
Happy Creating!
I find myself like this once I finish up a project, and with the completion of my last couple of scarves, which were knit, I found myself missing my crochet hook! So, rambling through my yarn basket I picked up a skein of red acrylic yarn, and the rest is before you!
The whole weekend is before me, and I am trying to decide what I want to work on. It seems nuts to work on scarves this time of year...but I can't help it!
Happy Creating!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
What's black and white, and red all over?
No, it's not a's this yummy knit scarf! I knit it up in blocks of black, white, and red yarns. The scarf is actually a bit chunky, and ultra soft. I know it seems a bit crazy making scarves this time of year, but when the idea hits I have to get to work. I do plan on knitting more of these up as well as my "Bling-Bling" scarf. It's such enjoyable knitting, no counting, no pattern...just working in blocks and changing colors as you feel.
I find this is the perfect project for using those odd skeins of novelty yarn we all have hidden in our stash... you know what I mean... just in case we may need them! I am wanting to work up a scarf in pinks and browns.
I used a black fuzzy yarn coupled with a red eyelash yarn for the band of red at the neck.
I would encourage anyone who is inspired by this to give it a try...I promise you will love it!
Sweet Lil' Phoebe
Okay, so I am one of those pet owners who can't talk enough about their pet, but all I have to say is "just look at her"! I was so happy when this little creature came into my life. I had wanted a dachshund since I was a little girl, and the way she came into our family is such a sweet story, which I will share at a later time. For now, I will let you just take in her cuteness!
I hope all have a great remainder of the week. I have a small crochet project in the works, and who knows what else I will get into!
I would encourage anyone who is inspired by this to give it a try...I promise you will love it!
Sweet Lil' Phoebe
I hope all have a great remainder of the week. I have a small crochet project in the works, and who knows what else I will get into!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Super Groovy Granny Square Skirt
Finally finished!! This is the reason I love crochet, it's for projects like this. I was contacted by Denaz, a very talented lady from the UK who designs jewelry made from old vintage pieces. She contacted me, and through emails back and forth she told me of how much she liked my work and the way I worked with color. She asked if I could make her a skirt. After looking at her etsy site and her website, I was honored...such talent! And I am planning on sending her a couple of pieces of some vintage costume jewelry handed down to me by my Grandmother...I cannot wait to get it to her and see what she comes up with!
Well, here it is, all finished and ready to go on a journey to the UK to its new owner!
I had an idea for a crocheted below is the result. Quite cute! I have more of the buckles, and tons of yarn, so there should be more coming to go into the etsy shop!
Yes, I've been busy this week...I also finished up this scarf. This yarn is so soft and colorful. It has a homespun look to it up close. One hank made this scarf, I used every bit of it!
This too will probably go into the etsy shop.
Final Note: This week has proven to be one in which I have really stepped back and thanked God for my girlfriends!! They mean the world to me...I don't know what I would do without them!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Final Stages!
It's getting there! Even though you cannot tell it, it is soon to look like a skirt! I promise!
I do like the color of these squares as well as the size. It's bold and bright. Although I used the traditional granny square style from the 60's and 70's the colors make it more modern.
I wanted to upload a couple photos for everyone to see, and hopefully the next pictures will be of a finished skirt!

While I had the camera out, I snapped one of Phoebe. She looks sad in this picture, but I assure you she's not! She hates me to pose her...there was a little treat following to reward her for being so sweet!
That's it for now! It's still early enough to get a movie in along with some crocheting!
I wanted to upload a couple photos for everyone to see, and hopefully the next pictures will be of a finished skirt!
While I had the camera out, I snapped one of Phoebe. She looks sad in this picture, but I assure you she's not! She hates me to pose her...there was a little treat following to reward her for being so sweet!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Sunny Weather and Longer Days
Daylight Savings Time arrived early this morning, and although this day has flown by, I am happy because with that follows Springtime and more daylight hours and warmer weather! The warmer weather has arrived here, not sure if it will stay, but you can tell Spring is definitely in the air.
This past week has been busier that I like. It started out with a snow day, then followed with getting back to work and being slammed with meetings!
Yesterday I had the second portion of my crochet class. Although I only had one student attend, she was an extremely creative lady! She had a gift of being a very good knitter, and caught on to crochet very quickly! As well, she inspired me with a project she was wanting some help with. I love meeting creative people, and it's just an added bonus to get inspiration from them!
I only have two more squares left to complete the granny square skirt. I should be able to get that done today, get these ends woven in and get it assembled and ready for the trim. My one goal for the coming week is to get this little bad-boy done and in the mail to it's new home!
For now I can only share pictures of my progress so far. Although it does not look much like a skirt...I assure you there is one in there, it's just waiting on a couple more squares.
I picked up this beautiful self-striping acrylic yarn from Gate City Yarns in Greensboro. This is the result of a couple evenings of knitting. I needed to have something to help me through a mild case of granny square burnout. It seems to have done the job, and has slowly grown. I should finish it up after this week...for now I will concentrate on getting the skirt completed.
I have to admit that I have had a case of the blues which has been a little hard to shake off. I believe missing my husband is the culprit...I find myself not wanting to do much of anything at all. The warmer sunny weather has really helped, and this morning I forced myself to get outside and do a little yard work, which helped a great deal. I believe this has been the best medicine of all.
That's it for now...I want to finish up on some housework so I can sit down this evening and work on the granny square skirt and enjoy the evening.
This past week has been busier that I like. It started out with a snow day, then followed with getting back to work and being slammed with meetings!
Yesterday I had the second portion of my crochet class. Although I only had one student attend, she was an extremely creative lady! She had a gift of being a very good knitter, and caught on to crochet very quickly! As well, she inspired me with a project she was wanting some help with. I love meeting creative people, and it's just an added bonus to get inspiration from them!
Seed Stitch Knit Scarf
I have to admit that I have had a case of the blues which has been a little hard to shake off. I believe missing my husband is the culprit...I find myself not wanting to do much of anything at all. The warmer sunny weather has really helped, and this morning I forced myself to get outside and do a little yard work, which helped a great deal. I believe this has been the best medicine of all.
That's it for now...I want to finish up on some housework so I can sit down this evening and work on the granny square skirt and enjoy the evening.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Snow Day = Yarn Day!
Just look what we woke up to! Here in North Carolina we get very excited when we see snow like this. It rarely happens here. It is absolutely beautiful...I cannot get over the trees! This is my house, and Phoebe and I are nice and toasty warm inside.

Yes, snow day does equal yarn day! But first at my house we have to get the playing in the snow out of the way before we sit down to knit. Phoebe loves the snow!
I picked up this yummy acrylic, self-striping yarn on Saturday. Once I got it wound into a ball I couldn't resist casting on some stitches. I'm using a moss stitch, and it is working well with the yarn. I am thinking this may go into my etsy shop...if I don't get to attached to it!

Okay, now it's time to sit and knit and enjoy the snow from inside where it's warm!
Yes, snow day does equal yarn day! But first at my house we have to get the playing in the snow out of the way before we sit down to knit. Phoebe loves the snow!
My "Red Neckscarf"! know there's a little REDNECK in all of us! I will even admit that I have dumpster dived! I have fished out a vintage sewing machine out of a dumpster! So, I think that qualifies me...what redneck things have you done before? I've done more redneck-y stuff in my past, which I will keep to myself.
I came up with the idea for the "Red Neckscarf" one night while trying to get to sleep. Once I get one of these ideas I have to put aside whatever project I am working so I can concentrate on my idea, otherwise I am too distracted.
Here it is....
I came up with the idea for the "Red Neckscarf" one night while trying to get to sleep. Once I get one of these ideas I have to put aside whatever project I am working so I can concentrate on my idea, otherwise I am too distracted.
Here it is....
Large knitting needles, too.
I picked up this yummy acrylic, self-striping yarn on Saturday. Once I got it wound into a ball I couldn't resist casting on some stitches. I'm using a moss stitch, and it is working well with the yarn. I am thinking this may go into my etsy shop...if I don't get to attached to it!
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