Daylight Savings Time arrived early this morning, and although this day has flown by, I am happy because with that follows Springtime and more daylight hours and warmer weather! The warmer weather has arrived here, not sure if it will stay, but you can tell Spring is definitely in the air.
This past week has been busier that I like. It started out with a snow day, then followed with getting back to work and being slammed with meetings!
Yesterday I had the second portion of my crochet class. Although I only had one student attend, she was an extremely creative lady! She had a gift of being a very good knitter, and caught on to crochet very quickly! As well, she inspired me with a project she was wanting some help with. I love meeting creative people, and it's just an added bonus to get inspiration from them!

I only have two more squares left to complete the granny square skirt. I should be able to get that done today, get these ends woven in and get it assembled and ready for the trim. My one goal for the coming week is to get this little bad-boy done and in the mail to it's new home!

Beautiful Granny Scape!

For now I can only share pictures of my progress so far. Although it does not look much like a skirt...I assure you there is one in there, it's just waiting on a couple more squares.
Seed Stitch Knit Scarf

I picked up this beautiful self-striping acrylic yarn from Gate City Yarns in Greensboro. This is the result of a couple evenings of knitting. I needed to have something to help me through a mild case of granny square burnout. It seems to have done the job, and has slowly grown. I should finish it up after this week...for now I will concentrate on getting the skirt completed.
I have to admit that I have had a case of the blues which has been a little hard to shake off. I believe missing my husband is the culprit...I find myself not wanting to do much of anything at all. The warmer sunny weather has really helped, and this morning I forced myself to get outside and do a little yard work, which helped a great deal. I believe this has been the best medicine of all.
That's it for now...I want to finish up on some housework so I can sit down this evening and work on the granny square skirt and enjoy the evening.
Beautiful yarn work... Happy Spring to you.
Красота! Браво!
Love the granny squares, they're gorgeous! :-)
vamos que falta poquito!! Come on! you're almost there!
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