God bless you pinterest!! You have provided me with so much creative inspiration! I saw a a very patriotic wreath, which I pinned to my Red, White, and Blue board that I really wanted to totally copy. Unfortunately I could not find all the "exact" ingredients, but I am happy with my version. I tea dyed the flags to give them that vintage-y look. Hobby Lobby had the burlap in all kinds of colors, but the natural burlap looked best.
I am also continuing my love affair with spray paint. These little framed crewel embroideries have been on my to do list for quite some time. Given to me by Brad's mom, they were actually two little needleworks done by his Grandmother, probably from the 70s. I loved them immediately, but they needed a serious makeover. So I took them apart. Tossed the glass in the frames. Gave them a good cleaning and sprayed the frames this mossy green. She also had the frames portrait style instead of landscaped (I am not sure how else to describe it), and they fit so much better. Then added a little quilt batting to puff them up and there you have it. I have been walking around the house holding them up in various places trying to decide where to thang them.
I also wanted to share this little idea I had about painted frames and crochet. Yes, I said it...both! And it has made my little granny square love'n spray painting heart skip a couple of beats!! I love the idea of the two together. I am still experimenting with this, but so far this is what I have done. The oval frames are really appealing to me. I have been keeping my eyes peeled for them in the thrift stores. I also think these would be pretty with a layer of quilt batting under the crochet. There will definitely be more of these coming!
I hope to be back this weekend with another Blankies for Boston afghan, and who knows what else. I have many little projects around the house that I just cannot seem to get to, so maybe I can attack one or two of those!
Have a great rest of the week!