Here's a little sneeky peeky at the progress on the poncho. As you can see, I am flying right a long with it. The hardest part, weaving in all those ends. That's what changing yarn so much will get you. Buy boy-o-boy...the result is like looking at eye candy. I just want to touch it and absorb all those rows of color. I need to count how many different yarns I am putting into this thing. I know it is at least 25!

I think the garter stitch is a good choice for knitting in bands of color!

One more picture...you can see I have some fuzzy stuff in there, some cream mohair separating the groups of colors just to add a little interest. I am in total fascination with how good the red goes in there, and those little bits of blue and brown!

I had asked earlier this month if anyone was up for a scrappy challenge. My friend Alessandra was! Just look at her scarf!! I would wear that bad boy in a minute! Alessandra is one of the crochet dominoes! She is so very creative, and manages to keep a husband and small baby in happy harmony while running her etsy shop,
Just Be Happy! You should take a minute and check it out! It is full of scarves that will make you drool, as well as some of her original patterns, neck warmers, hats, jewelry, I could go on and on!!
I found a couple other scrappy inspirations while perusing flickr and ravelry...you ready???

I absolutely dig this little pencil can! And it is a great way to store those crochet hooks...I would keep this next to my knitting spot on the sofa all the time!

Now this granny square blanket made me stop in my tracks. Done purely from this ladies stash! It is so impressive...and inspires me to do another blanket!

WOW! Those of you that know me, know that this gets my motor running! It is stunning!

Lastly, I thought these little eggs were so neat! And looking at these, I get ideas for doing Christmas Balls. Very pretty!
Don't know about anyone else, but this crochet inspires me so much!
The ideas are running around my head now. :) I have to go write some down so I don't forget. Love the poncho! I agree about the garter stitch being wonderful with all the different colors. Can't wait to see it finished.
Thanks for sharing all you wonderful color-filled inspiration again! Love it!
All beautiful projects, but that poncho is just scrumptious! I'm working on my scrappy scarf still and will send a picture when done. It's my relaxing in the evening project so it's not getting done quite as quickly as my 'work' projects!
Sounds good Mary!!! Love that relaxing evening knitting!
so glad I found your blog I'm totaly overwhelmed by all the gorgeousness:-)
Take care,
Oh my goodness, I am blushing here!
Thank you for your kind words, Dawn.
You are so welcome Alessandra!
And Alison...I so love new people finding me and enjoying my ramblings and pictures!
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