Monday, August 12, 2013

I'm Here!!

Hey Y'all!!  I am here and doing just fine!  I know I have been MIA.  Thanks for all the emails asking if I am ok.  I truly feel the bloggy love.  For some reason I find the dog days of summer a bit depressing, and I have been feeling it again this summer.  Although floating in the pool at my folks' house does help (must be the Vitamin D I have been soaking up from the sun) does help chase away the summer blahs.  The stresses of just every day to day life, a sick mother-in-law, a stressed out hubs, a full time job...I can go on a bit...just left me a bit burned out. 

But I am here, and with a smile on my face!

And I have been busy making socks!!  I was determined this year to learn making socks and to sharpen my skills.  I have always been in awe of sock knitters and so intimidated by their skills.  So, as you can see below, I have been working on it.

I have learned so much!!  I love toe up socks!  And now I can't stop looking at sock patterns on ravelry and dreaming about all the sock yarn at SAFF this fall!!!

My mom turned 75 last week!  I told her I was taking a day off of work and we would go do something fun.  I asked her what she wanted to do, and she said I want to go to Joanne's Fabric and look at patterns.  We had a blast!!  As you can see she loaded up her cart with some goodies.  Afterwards we went to lunch.  It was such a fun day!

This evening I realized that the locusts were not buzzing quite as loud as they were yesterday and I could hear soft humming of the crickets.  It sounded like fall to me.  I know there are still some summer days left, but I can feel that beginning of summer ending and fall beginning.  And I love this, because I love the fall1  Everything about it.  I feel so good in the fall...I love the colors, the feel of the air, the outdoor fall festivals, pumpkins.  I could go on and on.  Seems fitting that I should start working on a sweater.  A first for me!!  I hope to have it ready to wear this fall, too!  

I have plans to add some scarves and hats to my etsy shop and knit and crochet up some little pumpkins and leaves!  


Annemarie said...

Dawn, I absolutely love your blog and all of your work. And those socks! Wow! Like you, I'm a fall person. Well, you can't do much with yummy wool in the heat of summer, can you?

susan said...

Seeing your sock pics reminds me of 'Crochet with Raymond' who left Blogland some time ago - I miss her. Maybe I should learn to knit socks!!!

Glad you are feeling better, I know where you are coming from.
Much love

lesleyanne said...
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lesleyanne said...

Welcome back missed you
Love the socks need to learn how to do them

wynette vass said...

Those socks are just adorable! I do not like Summer that much myself. I am a fall and winter gal and feel so much more inspired during those seasons. Hope all calms down for you soon.

Pammy Sue said...

So happy that you have blogged again! Miss you and your great yarny stuff when you're not around! Great job on the socks. I am totally intimidated by knitting. I've tried a couple of times, but I just can't get interested and stick to it. Maybe some day. Been hot here in Texas too. Can't wait for that first cool snap in the air!

Madame O' Malley said...

Thank God your back. Thought u were gone forever :(

Adele said...

So pleased you are back - life can just be too much at times. I, too, have always wanted to conquer sock making - well done you. Good to have you back with us. x

Unknown said...

Good to see you on here, Dawn! I hope you get over your summer blahs. :)

Anonymous said...

Yay welcome back!! Your socks are awesome! Hugz Lisa

sally said...

Your socks are wonderful! Welcome to the club. I'm on my 7th pair, and I thought I would never knit socks. And I'm proud to say that all my socks have mates. Welcome back.