Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Little Bit Cray Cray

How is everyone?  Ready for Christmas?  Me, not quite!  I am hopeful this weekend it all wind down.  I believe the problem is the juggling of a full time job, the responsibilities of running a household, the chronic respiratory infection I can't seem to shake, topped off by my desire to give everyone on my list something handmade.  So, looking at this and taking it all in, I realize that giving all handmade gifts is not going to quite get it done.   I have read it, thought about it, and accepted it!  So in that respect I feel better about what is left to be done.

Secondly, I must get over this respiratory infection so I can enjoy myself with family over Christmas. I have decided this is top priority.  So a dr visit today and more antibiotics I and keeping a positive outlook that I will like this!

So with these two revelations, I have formed a plan.  I little bit of shopping on Saturday to finish up and get everything wrapped then rest and relaxation!

I do have one more custom order to finish up.  I have told myself that next year any custom orders for Christmas will have to be to me before the end of September.  I have been scrambling and stressing with my final project, although I feel certain it will get done.

Check out this little fella.  I managed to get one done before my last project came in!  Yes, next year more of these will be ready!  They are fast and fun to make!
And this little guy came along to keep the other company.  I have a shawl pattern that I do hope to finsh up this weekend, which is looking quire preety, and will free up some free up some time to do more little snowmen!

Isn't he cute, even while naked!!!

So hear is my plan:

Work tomorrow 8 - 5, and Monday as well.

Saturday, finish up shopping.  This will be huge!!!

Saturday evening dinner with friends.  Now some fun begings!

Sunday, wrap presents and get ready for work.

Monday, deliver gifts.


Now once this is done, all will be good. 

Now that I have shared a couple little snowmen with everyone I think I need to get a good night's sleep!  Completely uninterrupted sleep is what I am hoping for.  So with that I am saying good night!

I  will see ya'll back here shortly with a progress report!



Unknown said...

I hope you start feeling better soon, Dawn! I had an UPI last month. It took 4-5 weeks for me to be completely well again. I hope you aren't suffering too much, and I hope you got a good night's rest. :-)

Meredith said...

I sure hope the Dr. is able to help you out, the holiday prep is hard enough when you are feeling well. Good luck with shopping, wrapping and finishing your projects. But most of all enjoy this time with your family and friends.

Marcia said...

Hope you are feeling well and healthy soon.
Best holiday wishes to you and yours (sweet Phoebe included!)

Petunia Pill said...

Ohhhh, how I LOVE your snow people! When I first found your blog, many moons ago, it was the snow people that enchanted me first! I just love their attire! So sorry to hear you're feeling poorly! This time of year and all the juggling runs one ragged...and makes those bugs so hard to shake! Enjoy your weekend and Merry Christmas to you. Annette7558534893

Neighborhood Watch said...

Ah! What a cute snowman!

Anonymous said...

The best thing that you can do Dawn for your health and well-being is to take Coconut Oil each day. I use Organic extra-virgin coconut oil. I put some in a mug and pour over some hot water and drink. EnJOY your day, every day, Valerie.

Sam I Am...... said...

I hope it all went as planned and that you got your rest and were able to enjoy your holiday. LOVE the snowman. I was like you about the "hand made gifts" and yes...that's all I'm doing anymore but they may be a 12 month thing. LOL!
Happy New Year!