I still can't believe I did this. I miss my step of the stupid curb and go down like a bag of dirt. Yeah, I freakin broke it.
I have never broke a bone my entire life. The dr. Told me it is a displace fracture of the fibula. Technically a broken leg. Good news is he doesn't think I will need surgery. The down side, I can not put any weight on it at all. Needless to say I have spent the past few days confined to either bed or the sofa. I am stinky and ill! Brad has stepped up to the plate and has been the most awesome caretaker in the world!
Since I am stuck with my leg in the air, I decided this would be some prime crochet time. So I have been playing with some mitered squares. I believe this is the direction I am going.
Oh....if you would like the pattern, you can find it here! http://hooked-on-needles.tumblr.com/post/19830051195/corinascorner-i-love-the-way-these-squares-were
I decided I would reverse the colors so they are opposite, so when I join them they will have this effect.
There are a lot of ends to be woven in, so now I am crocheting over the ends as I go along. I think this is going to make an awesome blanket!
Phoebe is not quite sure of what to make of this contraption on my leg. She stays by my side all day.
How sweet is that!
Her right eye is bothering her a little bit. She was even rubbing her face on my cast, so I know it is itchy. Poor little booger!
I will definitely be back this week with more progress, no complaining about not having time to crochet and blog!