Last week I knit up what I call the "Hollywood Scarf". That got it started! The ideas for more scarves kept coming, and of this morning I have completed two more scarves, each a bit different. I love it when that creative bug bites me...but, I must say with all this knitting my house is a mess! :o)
I made what I call a "Bling - Bling" scarf. It's a bit different that the first. It's not as long, or as wide, and I changed up some stitches a bit. It's already sitting in my etsy shop waiting on a new home!
Before I go any further, I will apologize for the length of this post, but I have so many pictures to share! The thing about these scarves is that they are so full of things to see in them...all the texture and color, and versatile in how many ways they can be worn. I am curious to see what kind of response I get from these.

I changed the section of purple to a stockinette stitch, and added the lighter color of eyelash yarn mixed with a pink eyelash...I really like the contrast!

The fringe is longer than the Hollywood Scarf and I added some eyelash yarn in it.

Worn this way I am reminded of a bright birthday present that's ready to be unwrapped!
Okay...once I finished this little scarf up, I was thinking about something similar done in blacks and reds. I had the idea of knitting sections in different colors and textures, and changing stitches to look as if it were a patchwork. I grabbed some yarns out of my stash and just picked up and went with it....

I love this scarf! I made it with intentions of going straight into my etsy shop, but I am having a hard time parting with it!!! I especially like the ends. I used a bulky grey Lion Brand yarn along with some black eyelash yarn...I think the ends look as if they are made from fur!

The red really pops it up!

You can also see some royal blue peeking through. It turned out so soft and squishy...I didn't even add any fringe, I liked it just the way it was!
I have been after my mom to make up something for our
Whooville shop. She is extremely skilled with a sewing machine and makes pretty little blouses and kids clothes! She made up this little housedress to go into Whooville.

It is adorable! I hope it finds a new home soon! I am after her to make more. She also makes BEAUTIFUL rugs from strips of wool that I have been after her to make so I can get one in the shop! I'll keep on her. She does the best work, but has arthritis in her shoulders and hands, so she can only devote an hour or so at a time and has to take a break.
That's it for now. I have a crochet project I am working, a messy house, and need to make a trip to the grocery store, but all I want to do is curl up on the couch and start a new scarf!!!
Bye for now!
I'm right there with you, Dawn! Give me yarn and a crochet hook over toilet cleaner any day! But I have noticed that the handwork is much more enjoyable and guilt free after the cleaning is done!
Those scarves are just beautiful! I can sure see why you don't want to part with that last one!
Dawn, you have done it again!
Your scarves are fabulous, fabulous, fabulous!
I need that bug to bite me too...
Anyhow, I saw that we both have items featured on a treasury, here is the link:
Bravo! Welkome to my blog! :)
I happen to have a personal fondness to anything red, so I absolutely love, love, love your black and red scarf!!! Gorgeous!
I should take a pic of my little corner of the house right now, too... So messy, but so fun!
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