Is it not he cutest thing you have ever seen?! The flowers actually pull out of the pot so you can write your message on it.
I made one of these for Brad's mom as well. They both loved them! The next time I make this card and I going to put a magnet on the back so it can be put on the refrigerator.
I was remembering back to when I was a kid in school and we would make special presents for Mother's Day, and other holidays to take home to our parents. I remember making a pencil can in VBS using a can and contact paper...I thought it was the neatest thing ever! My mom still has a Christmas ornament I made in the first grade, and I remember every moment in making it. Well this Mother's Day I kind of felt that way. I worked all week long on these pot holders/hot pads for gifts this year.
These are so much fun to make and look so neat. And they are reversible, too! Flip them over and check it out.
I was determined I would not go buy more yarn to work on these, and I didn't. Although I was jones'n to! I did start experimenting with squares and changing colors and came up with something quite "funky".
I loved it! I could use even smaller pieces of scrappies from my stash. I have a collection of tiny balls of yarn about the size of a super ball that I do not throw out...they get wound up and stored together so I can use them in some way! I actually used a solid granny and just randomly changed colors throughout the square. I believe I crocheted ten rounds to complete one hot pad. I couldn't be more pleased!
I had to include this little picture of Phoebe. She had a blast running with the kids at my mom's on Mother's Day. I tried to get a good action picture of her but just couldn't get a good one, but I thought this was cute. You can see her smiling!
Dawn, your Mother's Day card is just too cute! Putting a magnet on the back is a great idea. I save magnets I get in junk mail and on the front of the phone book for just such projects. Since the glue goes on the printed side anyway, no one is the wiser!
Your potholders are so pretty. Nice to have a project where you can use up odd lengths of good yarn.
I bet Phoebe slept well last night!
Oh my Dawn, the card you made is fabulous, I also love the hotpads - I intend to make some of them to give to a friend of mine... I will, just don't know when... hehe
Hello Dawn,,
Love the card it is beautiful,,,and the hotpads are awesome,,,are those just one crochet square??Love the colors...thanks for sharing...
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