I would love to share some more Christmas photos with you!
Made by my sister, with beads and perforated paper.
It is a tiny work of art!
It is a tiny work of art!
Hootie Owl sets atop my tree every year!!!
Friday I took a vacation day from work and spent it with my folks. We did a little Christmas shopping, had some lunch, and relaxed a bit! It was great. I carried my camera in tow, because Mom has some beautiful crochet afghans and pillows that I find quite beautiful! I wanted you all to have a chance to see them!When leaving my mom's on Friday she handed me a sock monkey and asked if I could dress him up with a hat and scarf. OF COURSE I COULD! I was chompin' at the bit to get started on it...finished it that night. Now I ask you....how cute is this little guy?
So it's back to mom's where he will be made to behave! I had so much making his little hat and scarf that I will be making one for my sock monkey!!! I think my sock monkey is a girl...so a skirt will also be needed for her! Naked monkeys tend to get naughty!!!
THE SNOWMAN WORKSHOP is still in full mode! I have finished a couple more and have another on the needles!
THE SNOWMAN WORKSHOP is still in full mode! I have finished a couple more and have another on the needles!
I am so happy I jumped into the snowman world! And I am really gonna miss these little guys when they get sent off to their destinations!!!! I have more to be made, so I am hoping do that today...perfect, Christmas movies, nasty weather, and being warm and cozy making snowmen!!! Sounds like a perfect Sunday to me!!!!
I promise I will be back in a couple days with more stuff to share! I love this time of year...it's packed full of fun stuff to get done!
TA-TA for now!
Where to start?! Your tree is awesome! Love the ornament from your sister and the owl. The blankets are FAB. Sock monkey is one happening guy. And the snowmen are too much!
I think it's definitely a pj kind of day. So got for it and have fun!
Don't mind if I do sit and put up my feet! I love that quilt in the back of your couch, can I snuggle under it?
The stuff your grandmothers made are beautiful! well, it is easy to see where you got the talent! and the snowmen are just adorable! the sock monkey is just my type of monkey! do you think he would like to be my friend?
Aw! and the owl!!! I love the way it looks in the tree! no need to worry about the mice stealing the candy from the stockings!!!
thanks for sharing the photos!
Thanks for the lovely invitation! I've enjoyed my time with you in your cozy place with all your cozy friends and your sweet little dog! Love your mom's crocheted things. I have a ripple afghan made by my aunt as a wedding gift in sunset colors and blues which is so cozy. That round pillow does look like it was done with Jacob's ladder. I did a tutorial on that using a scarf as my sample and it turned out great. It's a fun stitch to finish up, knitting the bars up the middle to make the braid.
Your tree is just lovely too! Thanks for the visit!
Thank you for inviting me into your cozy home,,it looks quit lovey..I love your tree and the ornaments are very pretty..Oh and the afghans your mother made are quit beautiful..But I think you might miss the little sock monkey when he has to go back to his mother,,you had quit a fun time with him..but those snowmen,,,had me at hello,,,those are just the cutest things I have every see,,and you are really whipping them out..well enjoy your cozy day with all your goodies and try and stay dry...till next time...
Oh my... I am speechless.
There are instrux for Jacobs Ladder on
Maybe that would work for you.
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