Monday, January 14, 2013

Recycled Flannel Infinity Scarves

I have been having a bit of a problem getting my photos to upload to blogger.  Finally, with much frustration and a bit of cursing, I was able to get some posted!  Has anyone else had any problems???

Can you tell what I have been doing? 

One of my favorite pastimes, Goodwill!  I have been buying flannel pajama pants and repurposing them into infinity scarves! 

 Aren't they cute???  And you talk about soft!! 

And I have also been able to cross something off my list I have been wanting to do for a long, long time! 
You got it!!  I have made my first pair of socks!  And oh my, I now understand what all the buzz is around knitting socks.   I am totally obsessed with it.  I did these from the toe up (which I love this method).  They are far from perfect, but I love them!  I was using a size 2 circular and I think since I do not knit as tight as most, I decided to go down to a size 1 for my next pair.

That seems to have solved my problem.  This one fits perfectly!  I finished this last night and am now ready to start on its mate. 

But for now, I must rest my elbow.  I never knew tendenitis could hurt so bad!  I am doing my best to let it rest up and heal.  The steroid shot seems to have helped quite a bit.

It is still a bit swolen, but much better!!! 


busybusybeejay said...

That's it now!You'll be addicted to knitting socks.They look great for a first attempt.

Unknown said...

Super cute socks!! Great infinity scarves too, I never thought of repurposing flannel PJ's!

byhooks4u said...

have you upgraded to google+ I had trouble uploading my pics and I was told that I needed to upgrade to google+ and it worked..hope that helps..

balerinaszydełkowanie said...


Melissa said...

I haven't had any trouble with it...yet. We'll see. Love the scarves! So cute and warm! Welcome to the sock club!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your scarves. I'd never have thought of that and it's a fantastic idea.

Tendonitis is the absolute pits. Been there a couple of times and it's so frustrating. I hope it goes away soon.

Good job on the socks.

Sam I Am...... said...

Oh! I just finished my first pair but they aren't as nice as yours! May I ask what pattern you used as I did circular needles too but not toe up and I've been looking for another circular needle pattern. I love yours! Is it on your Ravelry page? I'll go check!
I love the scarves too...did you use a pattern for those? Is it flannel or fleece. I have some old flannel sheets but they seem like they might be too thin a material. I always love all your projects!

Pammy Sue said...

Ouch! That does look painful. When I get tendonitis from crocheting, it's always in the top of my elbow. It takes it 8 weeks at least to go away. Very sucky for a hooker! Hope it gets better soon and the steroid shot helps you. Sometimes they really help, and sometimes they don't help at all. It looks like you have it really bad!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh what a fantabulous idea on your infinity scarves! I love it!! I love your socks too! I can't wait til I learn to make them too!!

Unknown said...

Well, this is a very old post I found via pinterest lol! I'm sure your knee is feeling better by now! Can you tell me how long you cut the legs of the pajama bottoms? I have 2 pieces of flannel fabric that I bought to make myself a scarf from but I haven't quite figured out how to sew it.... you'd think I could but well my mind has blanked on me!

Thanks! Happy 2017!!! Lol