Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I am still here.

Hello everyone!  Yes we are still here doing our thing!

I hope to get back to posting soon!


Angie said...

Hi Dawn! 🙋

Angie said...

Hi Dawn! 🙋

Debi said...

Glad to here from you! I check every day :)

Alhana said...

Welcome back!

Tinneshobbyworld said...

Hello again :-))

Lisa said...

Glad you put up a post. I've missed your blog.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that your back.. Miss your post! ��

Meredith said...

Come back soon we miss you!

River Glorious said...

Nice to see you here again. And how is Phoebe's back?

HD Wallpapers said...

Oh! that was a cool post.I like it.

Fathenfarm said...

Yeah, what have you been creating?

Jenn said...

glad to see you!

Fashions said...

Thank you for your very good site….

Unknown said...

Do you share your patterns for your knitted snow people?? I would LOVE to make them myself for friends.

Linda said...

Just can't find the colors for your granny baby blanket. TLC discontinued. Any suggestions

Just Another Old Geezer said...

Love your site - great selfie and your pooch is so cool!!

Janice Kay Schaub said...

I just stopped in to see if you were still here. I am deleting blogs that are not active because I have so many. Good to know you are still here

Stephanie Krupla said...

I chose today to check on you. It's been a long time since I had. And the first thing I see is your message that you are still there. It's like you were answering my thought. Hope everything is going well now.

Unknown said...

I hope this finds you and yours doing well. May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at SiteHoundSniffs.com.

Anonymous said...

I wish you were still posting... I love your blog.

Unknown said...

Does anyone have the pattern for her reversible two sided hot pad? I lost my pattern years ago and now my daughter wants me to make her some. if you do would you please email at my address below.

Thank you



Anonymous said...

is it possible to get the snow people pattern please I will pay you for it thank you

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am looking to purchase the pattern for your victorian style capelet, crochet, from 2008. Has flowers on it. Thank you, evaw711@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Hi. Do you have a pattern for the red, white, and blue granny blanket? Thank you.

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Anonymous said...

Votre blog est un bonheur
J'ai tout visité et lu même ce qui concerne ces touchantes photos de vos ancêtres.
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Bravo pour Vos créations !!!