I finished up my Santa cross stitch this weekend! Yay!! I have some little quickie projects I want to get started on. So this is a good feeling of accomplishment. My next step is to come up with a creative idea to finish him up in. I am sure Pinterest will help me out with that!
I have been doing some reflecting this week. Actually, it has been quite a week. Work has been full of challenges. My diet has been doing very well, but not without those temptations!!! So I have learned some things this week and thought I share!
1. Friends matter. They are like family. When they are hurting, you are hurting.
2. You have to take care of yourself, mentally and physically. They both work together. It’s important. I have been doing a Keto diet. So far 15 pounds. I am still discovering those foods that give me energy, and those that I should stay away from. I find that the better I feel physically the better I fell mentally.
3. God is always there. (In fact I should list this as the first item). He is right with us all experiencing the ups and the downs with us. He is there, and we shouldn’t ignore him.
4. Some people are just mean and insensitive. They can unknowingly say things that can hurt to your gut. They rarely change. I pray for them.
5. It is good to let those important to you that you love them. You don’t always have to use words to do that. A simple kindness and a look can made a stronger impact on someone.
6. Quiet time is essential. Put away the phone and other distractions and try get 30 minutes alone with your thoughts.
7. Read a bible verse every day. I do need to work on this. But I find if I read a verse, I usually read a full chapter, and most times there is a lessons in it for me.
8. God hears our tears. Tears are pure and honest. Groaning of the heart.
9. I try not to cus. Sometimes something slips through...then I feel bad about it.
10. Guard your soul.
Of course some of these I have learned before this week. But I was reminded of all of these over the past few days.
I am thankful the weekend is here. I hope to spend some time with my folks. Mom is doing ok. She still has not gone back onto her treatment until all her gastric problems have cleared up. She can use prayers!!!
I am back on my crochet project now, so an update with plenty of pictures should be on the way!!!!
I will close with a picture of Phoebe going night night the other evening.
Doesn’t that look cozy!!!!!!
Thank you for sharing your list. There’s something comforting about putting things in order. Can’t wait to see your crochet pictures. Have a lovely weekend, Lisa
Beautiful post! Love to see Phoebe!
Your blog header was fun. I love this cross stitch. It's the first one I've seen that uses beads; it is so cool. And I love the traditional image of Santa.
Numele meu este Lilian N. Aceasta este o zi plină de bucurie a vieții mele din cauza ajutorului pe care mi-a oferit-o Dr.saguru, ajutându-mă să-mi recuperez ex-soțul cu vraja lui magică și de dragoste. Am fost căsătorit timp de 6 ani și a fost atât de teribil pentru că soțul meu mă înșela într-adevăr și căuta un divorț, dar când am întâlnit e-mailul Dr.saguru pe internet despre modul în care a ajutat atât de mulți oameni să-și primească ex și de a ajuta la stabilirea relației. și să facă oamenii să fie fericiți în relația lor. Mi-am explicat situația și i-am căutat ajutorul, dar spre cea mai mare surpriză, mi-a spus că mă va ajuta cu cazul meu și că acum sarbatoresc pentru că soțul meu sa schimbat complet pentru totdeauna. El vrea întotdeauna să fie lângă mine și nu poate face nimic fără prezența mea. Mă bucur foarte mult de căsnicia mea, o celebrare mare. Voi continua să depun mărturie pe internet pentru că Dr. Saguru este cu adevărat un adevărat vrăjitor. VĂ RUGĂM SĂ VĂ RUGĂM AJUTAȚI DOCTOR SAGURU ACUM ACUM DUPĂ EMAIL: drsagurusolutions@gmail.com sau WhatsApp +2349037545183 El este singurul răspuns la problema dvs. și te face să te simți fericit în relația ta.
Thanks for taking the time to share this wonderful post with us. This was just so much fun to stop by your blog and we just love that cozy photo. Have a fantastic rest of your day and keep up the posts.
World of Animals
I only knit
Great blog poost
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