I totally scrapped my fingerless gloves and started over, AGAIN! This time, I changed yarn. I just didn't like the way the lace pattern was getting lost in the variegated yarn I was using. So, I reached deep down into my stash and pulled out this gorgeous ball of purple wool I had picked up at SAFF. PURPLE! And it shows off the pattern perfectly!
I also finished up another neck warmer...here it be....
I have had some requests for the pattern. I promise I will write it up and post it. It is super-dooper easy!

Love the neck warmers you are making... really pretty. Would you share the pattern?
I love the new yarn for the fingerless gloves, it's so pretty and does show off the pattern much better, you are doing very well for your first attempt at lace patterns. I also love your neckwarmers and wondered how I can get the pattern??
oh my, what a beautiful shade of purple, this is going to be beautiful!
lovely lace goodness!!
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