Monday, November 29, 2010

Curiosity Scarfisity!

Here I be doing my best to model my "curiosity scarf", named so because I was simply curious what these two variegated yarns would look like worked up together.  My assessment is...BAM!  Looks pretty freakin cool to me!  It's all in Hobby Lobby Stripes in two colors: (1) Hobby Lobby Stripes Seaspray Ombre & Seaspray, and (2) Hobby Lobby Stripes in #804 Surprise Stripes. Well, the combination proved me wrong…they compliment each other very well!

I am now beginning to think that there could be no wrong combination of colors put together!!

I apologize my scarf model was way too busy this weekend, so I had to model it and photograph it (not and easy task).  I hope to have more pictures soon!


Unknown said...

I think you are right. They all end up going together some how. Just what would we do without my fav H.L. varigated.

Seriously, are you eye that color? Stunning....

Unknown said...

yes, if I am in the direct light of the sun, they are that blue! It's a family trait. my brothers and sisters are the same way!

Anonymous said...

Your scarves are just ... amazing :) Congrats!

Unknown said...

Thank ya!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely stunning! I stumbled across your page while searching for HL yarn. I just have to try this! May I ask what size needle you used for these?
